
Ensuring economic development at this time when humanity is going through a pandemic becomes fundamental for governments that declare themselves democratic, as respect for human or social rights is not conceived without observance of fundamental economic rights, these, yes, guarantors of democracy, because “Without money, there is no state”.

The development of the domestic market is a nation’s strategic policy, as the increase in industrial and technological activities will consequently guarantee jobs and consumption, with an increase in tax collection, which returns to foster business activities, in a virtuous circle of development national.

What we dare to call “fundamental economic right”, we identify as fundamental precepts inscribed in the Brazilian Constitution, which are the principles in the economic order, those guarantors of the principles of human dignity, national development, eradication of poverty, reduction of social and regional inequalities and job creation, which Härbele calls freedom today.

The Freedom House 2019 report, which conducts an annual survey on freedom in the world, recorded for the 13th consecutive year the decline of global freedom, pointing out that democracies are suffering from populism and nationalism.

However, most of these countries have, in common, the market-based economy, a real guarantee against setbacks. In the words of Kim G. Davis: “A market economy and human rights set limits on state authority and empower individuals.”

The concept of democracy is not based exclusively on the secret ballot and the freedom of choice of a candidate, demanding enormously a market economy focused on industry and technology, capable of generating jobs and dignity.

In this new world, our governments must also have responsibilities with the economy. It will be necessary to create something similar to the Marshall Plan, which rebuilt the Europe destroyed in World War II, with fiscal responsibility, without indebtedness that would compromise public accounts, with leadership, without populism and opportunism. Respect for fundamental rights necessarily involves market freedom, provided for in the economic rights of the Constitutions of free States, which is presented as the only way to produce well-being for society and guarantee human and social rights.

A Rule of Law that guarantees a market economy is man’s only guarantee against authoritarianism and the certainty of living in a truly democratic regime after the crisis generated by Covid 19.

Luiz Cláudio Allemand, lawyer in Vitória, Master in Law

Vitória - ES

Av. João Baptista Parra nº 633,
Ed. Enseada Office, 5º andar,
Praia do Suá

CEP: 29.052-123

(27) 3441-5869
(27) 3441-5870


Vitória - ES

Av. João Baptista Parra, nº 633,
Ed. Enseada Office, 5º andar,
Praia do Suá

CEP: 29.052-120

(27) 3441-5869
(27) 3441-5870


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